Influence your education – Answer the Student Survey!
In the student survey, you will answer questions about your education at Novia, e.g. what you think about your studies, your study environment and other things related to your studies. The answers provide Novia with valuable information about what you and other students think about the education, and function as the basis for the continuous development of Novia. Therefore, it is very important that you answer the student survey.
The questions in the student survey focus on different things depending on where you are in your studies, e.g. if you have just started, if you are halfway through or if you are in the final stages of your studies. So even if you have answered the student survey in previous years, it is important that you do it again this year.
Together we make the studies at Novia even better!
How to answer the student survey?
You log in with your usual Novia username and password (unless you already are logged in). All answers are treated completely anonymously but linked to the degree program and place of study that you have stated in the survey. It takes about 5-10 minutes to complete the survey. Last response day is on November 10.
Here is the link to the student survey:
Notice! At the first page of the survey there is a language button on your upper right side on the screen where you can choose English.
Win a gift card!
After answering the questions, you can participate in the drawing of 20 gift cards of 20 euros each to a grocery store. In this case, you will need to provide an e‐mail address for the draw. The e-mail address is completely disconnected from your other replies.